SecuLetter File Security
Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system

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Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system
Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system
Effectively eliminates threat invasion to the internal system

Advanced File Security (Server Edition)

SLF is a file-based malware protection solution which proactively scans and detects the hidden malicious code
in the file that was transferred from external to internal network.

Proactively blocks the malicious content before reaching to the internal file system. 01

Proactively blocks the malicious content before reaching to the internal file system.

Provides accurate diagnosis by analyzing assembly level. 02

Provides accurate diagnosis by analyzing assembly level.

Detects evasive malware which does not take any action in virtual environment. 03

Detects evasive malware which does not take any action in virtual environment.

Provides unlimited file size scanning. 04

Provides unlimited file size scanning.

Analyze various file types such as MS Office, PDFs, RTF, etc. 05

Analyze various file types such as MS Office, PDFs, RTF, etc.

Simple deployment without any changes on existing processes. 06

Simple deployment without any changes on existing processes.

Integrate with file system via SMB, NFS, SSH(SFTP) protocols. 07

Integrate with file system via SMB, NFS, SSH(SFTP) protocols.

Key Features

  • Powerful Detection & Blocking

    Powerful Detection & Blocking

    • Block malicious content before reaching to the internal file system.
    • Block evasive malware that does not take any action in a virtual environment.
  • Flexibility


    • Analyze various file types such as MS Office, PDF, RTF, etc. documents.
    • Integrate the file system via SMB, NFS, and SSH (SFTP) protocols.
  • Admin Friendly & Easy to Use

    Admin Friendly & Easy to Use

    • Provide a detailed analysis report of the detected malicious content.
    • Provide support for policy management in case of exceptions.

How It Works

  • Web Bulletin Board
  • Document Centralization Solution
Web Bulletin Board Web Bulletin Board
Document Centralization Solution Document Centralization Solution
Network Attached Storage(NAS) Network Attached Storage(NAS)

Case Studies


The university turned their lectures into online class since COVID-19 occurred.
The students were asked to submit their assessments via student portal.
The IT security team concerned the possibilities of inflowing malicious code contained files among those assessments. The IT security team tested multiple PoC and decided to adopt SLF as it showed no latency of uploading files under busy traffic conditions.

Since the university adopted SLF, there were more than 1,000 files found that containing malware.

Finance Company

The company needed to enhance the security environment as APT attacks using Non-PE files have been growing rapidly recently. After carrying out PoC of many APT solutions, the company eventually decided to adopt SecuLetter's SLF. During PoC, SLF showed great performance result with high detection rate & the fastest diagnose speed.

SLF supports API to integrate with existing 3rd party's solutions. The company uses SLF with their enterprise security management system.

Public Insurance Company

This company handles tons of documents uploaded by their clients which aim to claim insurance payment. Those inquiry & submission of documents are progressed via company's webpage, which means unknown document files are stored to the company's server with uncertain risk.

SLF is integrated with WAS, and blocks 99.9% of malware threat. And also SLF's performance is 5 times faster than other solutions, so there is no latency in work performance.

See the Reality

Try SLF and see how many malicious code
you can stop to be spread everyday.

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